TAKHAYYUL is an ERC-funded project at the UCL’s Institute for Global Prosperity, led by social anthropologist Dr. Sertaç Sehlikoglu. It is a collaborative study that will ethnographically excavate the imaginative forces in the formation of populist religious aspirations in the Balkans, the Middle East, and South Asia.

TAKHAYYUL Project is composed of six research associates in its core team, eight Collaborative Interdisciplinary Team of Experts (CITE Scholars), and several advisors and affiliates. The team members and their contributions to the project can be found here.

Takhayyul Core Team (Sub-Projects 1-3) and Senior Research Associates (Sub-Projects 4-6)

Takhayyul Collaborative Interdisciplinary Team of Experts (CITE) spreads across the locations of their foci. Refer to here for their details.